It takes smugglers hours and days to hide the illegal goods. Thanks to x-ray equipment and special training customs officers find them in few seconds.
CELBET X-ray image and data exchange platform, created for training purposes helps officers to develop skills and share the images.

Nowadays when the information is most precious thing it is good not only to be the owner of the information but also to share the information with those who are playing in the same team.
It is crucial to collect and share as many different images and cases as possible to provide effective trainings. That’s why Equipment team decided to create the X-ray image and data exchange platform.
The main purpose of the platform was to develop CELBET training system and to enhance skills and ability of officers who analyse X-ray images. Exchanging of x-ray images and information on seizures made by use of scanners improve their skills and the effectiveness of non-intrusive inspections. The platform was created with a strong support of Training team and CELBET E-learning Center of Expertise within Slovak administration.

How does it work?
The platform is available for customs officers from CELBET Member States.
In order to get access to the platform, first the account on the CELBET Training Platform must be registered. Training team confirms the account and establish account as a student account.

The X-ray image and data exchange platform is active since March 2020 and there have been many images uploaded by CELBET Member States. The images are uploaded by officers nominated by CELBET MS. Those officers have also access to use all the inofrmation on the platform for the official purposes.

The platform is stored on CELBET Training platform – which is located on Slovak Customs Administration IT resources and followes strict IT security rules.
The CELBET X-ray Centre of Expertise is located in Gdańsk, Poland.