CELBET is one of the best and most useful projects for cooperation in the area of customs -said Mr Georgi Kostov,Director General of the National Customs Agency in Bulgaria.
Head of CELBET Mr. Jyrki Linna and the Project Coordinator Ms. Pille Jogisoo met with Director General of the National Customs Agency Mr. Georgi Kostov on Tuesday, 3.09 in Sophia. Raised topics referred to the results achieved so far within the first two phases of the CELBET project (Customs Eastern and South-Eastern Land Border Expert Team) and some of the important forthcoming tasks were outlined.
This is one of the best and most useful projects for cooperation, which is entirely focused on customs needs. The exchanges of staff, as well as the technical feasibility study, which are parts of the project activities, are extremely useful for the customs administration, as well as for the harmonization of the EU external border management – highlighted the management of the National Customs Agency.
Mr. Kostov and Mr. Linna agreed that the risk analysis and the information exchange, so essential for managing raising traffic flow, are the key aspects. The Head of CELBET outlined the land cargo transport as focus also of the next, third project phase (CELBET 3).

More information on Bulgarian NCA website: read the article