From 21 to 23 of January experts from BCP Management and Evaluation Team together with BCP Network members visited slovakian-ukrainian border post in Vysne Nemecke.
Slovakian Customs Administration asked CELBET team to perform Diagnostic Study on one of the border crossing points. Thanks to the Diagnostic Study customs management of the Vysne Nemecke will get an answer on the strengths and weaknesses of the BCP performance. Diagnostic Study aims to give benefit for CELBET Member States how the BCP could function and be developed futher.
During the Study, CELBET representatives were using Diagnostic Tool to assesing to which extent the BCP meets the key factors in the tool. Diagnostic Tool covers 7 areas of the BCP:
- infrastructure
- equipment
- customs control
- risk management
- training
- cooperation
- management
All these areas are divided for passenger traffic and cargo traffic.
Pilot of the BCP Diagnostic Study was performed in September 2019 at the polish-ukrainian border crossing point in Medyka, Poland – read more