Work with and for crossing border points on external EU border

Head of CELBET Mr Jyrki Linna participated  in Customs Cooperation Working Party (CCWP) meeting that took place on 17 of Janury in Brussels.

The meeting was a great ocasion to present by Head of CELBET team activities’ results:

– monitoring checks,

– diagnostic study,

– cigarettes seizures of CELBET Member States,

– Joint Intensified Activities (JIA),

– Joint CELBET Activities (JCA),

– operational missions

– trainings within the cooperation with CLEP and national administrations

–  advisory missions in Croatia and Lithuania – read more

After Head of CELBET presentation, Mr Zeljko Milkovic from Croatia, a member of CELBET BCP Network South group presented trainings organized in Croatia by CELBET Training Team.

Representatives of France and Germany expressed their interest in deliverables of CELBET teams.

What is CCWP ?

The Customs Cooperation Working Party handles work regarding operational cooperation among national customs administrations and with a view to increasing their enforcement capabilities. It defines strategic and tactical objectives for Joint Customs Operations (JCO). It focuses on seeking results in terms of seizures, identification of new threats and disruption of criminal gangs.
