Site visit on Polish – Ukrainian border

BCP Management & Evaluation team visited on 22-24.01 Revenue Administration Regional Office in Lublin, Poland and Polish-Ukrainian border crossing point Dorohusk-Jagodzin. Team experts were presented the whole infrastructure of BCP in order to elaborate the peer review/ diagnostic of visited border crossing point. This activity helps experts to find strong and weak sides of the … Read more

First CELBET Assistance Mission completed

The mission was devoted to development of the Synchronised Checks in Lithuania. CELBET experts provided significant support for Lithuanian Customs and Border Guard in preparations of the pilot on the solution. The mission consisted of 3 components: Fact finding visit at the Lavoriskes Border Crossing Point Two working meetings with middle and high level management … Read more

EU – Belarus Customs Dialogue

Project Group on the implementation of the Action Plan On meeting in Brussels on Wednesday, 5 th of December, CELBET Interagency and 3rd Countries Cooperation team leader Mr. Bartosz Gruszecki and team expert Mrs. Ana Burkovskiene, delivered information on the progress achieved in implementation of an activity on balanced BCPs development. It was agreed to … Read more