CELBET 3 starts with the tasks aimed at ensuring effective customs controls at the EU Eastern and South-Eastern land border, achieving sustainable and balanced improvement of customs administrations performance and development of closer co-operation with EU security and law enforcement agencies.
Each team will start third phase of CELBET with a different activity.
Cooperation Team will define types of missions and develop practical aspects for missions: cooperation with Member States, BCP Network, profile of officers, draft agendas, calendar of missions.
Customs Control team starts CELBET 3 with planning Joint CELBET Actions. First step will be defining the scope of JCA and selected Border Crossing Points for carrying out future JCAs. Team leader and experts plan to review and update Vulnerability Study based on available LFCG data from 2019.
Training Team is going to organize and deliver practical trainings for BCPs based on training needs. Team leader and experts will focus on preparatory meetings and organizing online webinars.
Equipment team starts CELBET 3 with assistance to the Member States in making decisions on the procurement of customs detection technology equipment through advisory activities. This includes a database that will widely share product information and end-user experience to relevant procurement experts and decision makers.
BCP Evaluation team will create Diagnostic Tool, Guidelines and Reporting Template for evaluation of the rail BCPs. The current Diagnostic Tool for road BCPs is fixed and the new one fits the needs of a rail BCP.
Risk Management team begins to gather and examine detailed information about risk analysis of vehicles and passengers crossing the Eastern and South-Eastern borders of the EU, risk-based control tactics at the borders in the CELBET Member States and seizures data from 11 NRACs.