From the beginning of pandemic, management and experts of CELBET are in permanent touch with each other using online connection. Although the time is very challenging for all of the people involved in the project, all members of CELBET are really engaged and active. Every two weeks management members take part in the online meetings, summing up CELBET 2 deliverables but also planning future activities. Head of CELBET and Grant Coordinator have meetings with each team leader. Team leaders organize online meetings with their experts, getting ready to start CELBET 3.
Nowadays, online meetings are one of the way of communication and thanks to high motivation spirit of team leaders and experts, CELBET 3 is ready to be launched on 31 of May. First physical meeting will be organized in autumn. Until then, CELBET leaders and experts work on launching new activities and products.
This time showed us that team means something more than just a group of people. It is common support, understanding, still excellent ideas and proof that this challenge makes us stronger. CELBET team knows which direction we should go and that we will definitely get there with such a great people.