Representatives of 11 countries, European Commission, Frontex, OLAF, Europol met on CELBET Steering Committee meeting in Rzeszów, Poland.
CELBET Steering Committee took place on 7-8 of May in one of the southern city of Poland, Rzeszów near the Polish – Ukrainian border.
The meeting was opened by Mr Marian Banaś, Secretary of State, Head of the National Revenue Administration, who highlighted the importance of the CELBET project: – Today CELBET is one of the biggest and most practical project in the customs area. It has potential to effectively contribute to strengthening border customs control and improvement of border management standards.

Head of the National Revenue Administration underlined that CELBET achievements are impressive and thanked Head of CELBET, Grant Coordinator and Team Leaders for their efforts and tangible results. He stressed the special role of Estonia, which like Poland, is in the project from the very beginning.

Mr Philip Kermode, Director from DG TAXUD emphasized that CELBET is successful experiment showing working together in a long term. – CELBET is focused on things that haven’t been touched. CELBET team is worth to be well known and it gives clear picture of what is going on the land border – he added.
In 2014 Estonia together with Poland gave an idea of creating CELBET. Mr Rivo Reitmann Deputy DG of Estonian Customs Board mentioned this by saying: – We are with CELBET from the beggining and we are giving the results. We should concetrate on how CELBET should continue.
CELBET management presented the results of six months work of the CELBET Group, as well as the prospects for upcoming CELBET products as missions or diagnostic study. Furthermore representative of Europol presented the silk road issues.

The second day of meeting SC members spend at one of the border crossing point with Ukraine in Budomierz. The reason of choosing this BCP was an intention to show a unique way of customs control. Customs and Border Guard of Poland and Ukraine together perform Joint Control on European Union territory, in this case on Polish side.

The Steering Committee meeting evoked great media interest. Polish TV station as well as Radio Rzeszów and Polish Press Agency visited the meeting and published information about this event:
Radio Rzeszów (interview with CELBET PR expert – in Polish language)