From 10 to 14 of October Cooperation Team organized three CELBET Missions and from 10 to 21 of October Customs Control Team organized JCA 10 ( Joint CELBET Activity).
Missions took place on border crossing points: Roszke in Hungary, Kipi in Greece and Terehova in Latvia. Missions have been supporting JCA 10 which simultaneously took place on the same border crossing points.
Customs officers from Estonia, Hungary, Latvia participated in Mission in Greece.Members of the Mission in Latvia were officers from Bulgaria and in Mission in Hungary officers from Latvia and Finland took part.
Missions, which are practice-oriented exchange of CELBET customs officials, are also excellent possibility to work in other Memeber States together with peers from different backgrounds and facing different challenges and to exchange experience and different approaches to the job. Mission is also is a vital element in the development of individual officers and of best practice in the field.
During that time, officers have been controlling buses and passenger cars, according to the profiles created and indicated within JCA 10, which focus also on possible new smuggling trends, taking into account the current situation caused by Russian military aggression towards Ukraine.
The best practical proof of these activities are the seizures. Thanks to the profiles of JCA, officers together with Mission’s guests, during controls on Hungarian – Serbian border crossing point in Roszke found:
– almost 300 g of drugs hidden in chocolate bars
– 97 000 EUR in a bus
– 548 pieces of ancient coins
More information on the seizures of JCA and Missions will be published soon
Additionally, from 8 to 10 of October, the CELBET Mission on Slovakian-Ukrainian border in Vysne Nemecke was held. Dog handlers supported customs controls.

Terehova BCP, Latvia